Rochester, MN We’re back. People here are still very, very nice and still look at us as if we’re crazy to leave Hawaii (80 degrees) and come to Rochester (6 degrees, but warming) in the winter. Our flight over was uneventful and it was nice to see some familiar faces waiting for us at the airport. Chuck Siefert, tournament facility director, and our old new friend, Ray Kealoha were both there when we arrived. Waiting for our transfer in Minneapolis Bruddah Ray The weather was a brisk 6, but it looks like it’ll be warming up a bit over the next couple of days. It’s supposed to snow a few inches this evening, but will be in the low teens tomorrow. Very cold by our standards but a lot better than the below-zero highs they’ve been having over the past week.

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Jordan and Sani Afternoon workout at the Regional Sports Center

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