Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Boys & Girls Win at Officials’ Tournament This past Friday and Saturday the Punahou Boys and Girls Wrestling teams competed in, and won, the Official’s Scholarship Wrestling tournament.  Though the wrestling was predictably at a pre-season level, there were both bright spots and exposed weaknesses that were revealed that we now can work on and improve upon. Placewinners were, for the Girls: Xanax Illegal Buy Online Erin Uehara, 2nd; Nicole Taniguchi, 4th; Chrissy Chow, 1st; Mindy Chow, 1st; Tiara Kaye, 2nd; Kaimana Lundquist, 1st; and Kanoe Kageyama, 3rd. For the Boys: Buy Xanax Eu Evan Yamamoto, 2nd; Jordan Ng, 1st; Bryant Fukushima, 2nd (they met in the finals at 120lbs); Todd Murakawa, 1st; Happy Dang, 5th; Bryan Peralta, 1st; Galen McCleary, 1st; LJ Remillard, 3rd; Marlon Booker, 6th; Zach Hernandez, 3rd; Patrick Sheehan, 1st; Evan Johnson, 2nd; and Kolu Buck, 2nd.

Xanax Order Lorazepam Our next competition will be after Christmas, on Dec 29 and 30, at the Iolani Dual Meet Tournament.  This is always an exciting team competition, and we are very pleased that we will be entering 2 Boys teams and 1 Girls team in this years’ tournament, in hopes that we’ll be able to get several of our wrestlers some very good matches and high level competition.  As always, if you’re on island, please stop in if you have the time and support the team.  We’d love to see you!

Xanax Order Canada Here’s a tournament highlight video created by Joshua Kaye (Avi & Tiara’s dad):

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