Media coverage of the 2008 State Tournament

Order Alprazolam Pills One of the pleasant surprises (at least to me) was the amount of media coverage at the state tournament this year. I think it helps that the definition of "media" has expanded quite a bit just in the past few years. We’re no longer limited to just the TV stations and the printed newspaper. Kudos to the Honolulu Advertiser. Though their print coverage was pretty standard stuff, they posted a great collection of videos, including every finals match in its entirety. That’s really nice for a sport like ours that doesn’t get much press. Here are links to our championship matches: Chrissy Chow (114)     Reid Oshiro (125)     Daniel Chow (145)     Rudie Schaefer (152)

Also wanted to give a shout out to John Akana (’85) and the folks at They did a great job covering the entire tournament and have put up a cool site devoted to high school athletics that’s worth checking out.

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I like their match coverage. They’ve edited the matches down, but provide some pretty good play-by-play commentary.

Order Xanax From Canada Finals Matches: Reid Oshiro   Daniel Chow   Rudie Schaefer   Chrissy Chow

There are also interviews with a bunch of our guys. Gentlemen, some of you definitely need to work on your public speaking skills! Wrestler Interviews: Reid Oshiro   Rudie Schaefer   Rudie & Oney   Matt Sasaki   Daniel Chow

Here’s Oney’s post-tournament interview. Good to see wrestling getting more coverage!

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