Friday, March 7, 2025

Mahalo for Parents Night

December 12, 2007 by  
Filed under News, Mahalo

Aloha Parents-
I wanted to express my appreciation to all of you as well on behalf of the coaches.  Thanks to those who made and/or brought food, helped organize, helped clean-up, and in general helped to make our Parent’s Night a successful evening.  As I stated during the presentation it is impressive how much the parental support has grown during our tenure here, and the fact that we nearly filled the Cornuelle Lecture Hall is a tremendous demonstration of that.  Your support and interest for your kids’ activities helps to make our program something we can all be very proud of, and we as coaches thank you for that, and for the continued opportunity to work with your wrestler.

Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you again soon at our upcoming competitions, and maybe even at this Saturday’s Fundraising Dinner.  FYI, if you are interested in attending, and have not yet secured tickets, please contact Coach Jimmy at and he’ll be happy to make the necessary arrangements.

With appreciation,
Coach Oney for all the Punahou Wrestling Coaches

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